Lonely. Isolated. Confused. Disappointed. Hopeless. Exhausted. Unsupported. Like I don't know how to talk to people any more. Like I'm going mad.

These are the ways that so many of us are feeling navigating life inside systems of oppression with growing political consciousness.

I invite you to read on about this Group Experience I'm hosting, and consider how it might meet your needs.

"The spaces Keri creates are like fertile little gardens of ideas, experiences and supportive reflections, developed on rich community soil where empathy abounds. This group work has been incredibly valuable for me, particularly at this moment in time when there is so much to despair about in the world. Having a space to be heard and to hear other people's experiences helped me feel less alone. Learning new coping mechanisms, ways of thinking, and questions to ask myself in a group of supportive and wise women was a really enriching experience. It's been the highlight of my week." ~ one participant in the first cohort of this group

Here's what we will cover

  • The Self Concept- how we see ourselves, each other and the world, and the tensions that arise here
  • Developmental perspectives of conflict & practical strategies to experiment with
  • Resourcing ourselves for a sustainable relationship with feminist advocacy and action

Here's how it will work

  • 5 live, responsive 2 hour workshops/ group coaching/ thought partnership/ collective care sessions (2 hours each)
  • Optional Instagram Group Chat for connecting more deeply with peers and sharing relevant resources (I'll joyfully hang out with you, but I won't be coaching there)
  • Group size of minimum 6, maximum 10

Here's when & where it will be

  • Wednesday mornings 9.30-11.30 UK time 24th April, 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd May

Here are my aims- to co-create the conditions where you can

  • experience a sense of belonging
  • relax into resonance with people who share a lens for the world with you
  • cultivate *some* self compassion and radical empathy
  • become equipped to experiment with new ways of being in your advocacy
  • acknowledge and access inner resources that have laid dormant
  • evolve your relationship with conflict so that it becomes lighter
  • meet this moment with a deepened understanding of this iteration of yourself

We will be drawing on the ideas of

  • Mark Fisher
  • Robert Kegan, Sas Petherick, Tatiana Bachkirova
  • Lola Olufemi, Naomi Klein

And others whose work will surface in our discussions- perhaps people you might introduce us to.

Who are you to run this Kezza?

Thank you for asking! Certified Developmental Coach, Community Activist, Charity Co-Founder. Also a straight, slim, middle class white woman with all the associated privilege.

More about me here.

More about my work, scope, certifications, etc here.

Get to know me best on instagram here.

How much is it?

I'm pricing this at £300 and I know this is a very fair price for the quality of the experience and the difference it will make to the people who engage with it.

I can offer one space on a 'pay what you can afford' basis. Please email me [email protected] to let me know if you want it.

Capitalist norms tell us to extract as much as we can from one another and to give as little as possible. I want to be fair to you and I trust you to be fair to me and the rest of the group.

If you need a

2 months,

3 months

or 4 months

payment plan at no additional cost, click on each one. (Please bear in mind there will be a slight delay to sending confirmations etc because it will be done manually).

Please invest intentionally- refunds will not be available after the first session if you simply change your mind or cannot attend live- the recording will be available within 48 hours. (This does not affect your statutory rights). If you'd like a refund for another reason, please email me for consideration.

(If you previously bought my "Live Your Feminist Killjoy Life But Make It Not Completely Destroy All Your Relationships Workshop, you can deduct what you spent from this experience, in acknowledgement that the materials have been re-worked into this format. Email or DM me for a coupon code).